Sunday 2 November 2008

Self Assesment on Presentation

I think I had a good understanding of how reality TV began. Also I knoew a lot in Big brother as a whole, and related it to other texts. Also me asking my audience a lot of different questions made them interact and stay focused.

I didn’t have the right body language for my presentation which made my audience lose interest. I could have also included more SHEP. Also I should have gone over my presentation to make sure I understood it as I faced problems with my question and also my theorist.


Faizul Awal said...

presentation was well presented
good knoweldge of topic
good historical knowledge

ebi. if u engaged the audience more, like answered questions

ajit said...

www: eye contact.
good knowledge of text.
not alot of text, straight to the point.
aspects of shep covered.

ebi: RECEPTION THEORY (dont need to say more than that).
more interaction with audience.
change question.(the answer's in the question).

Jas D said...

WWW - eye contact
good knowledge of text

EBI - didnt start being agressive with ajitpal haha

more SHEP

Med 5 Blog said...

www - good knowledge of text
- historical knowledge

ebi - other wider contexts
- audience interaction

Amit said...

- Researched your topic well.
- interacted well with the audience.

- Re write the title of the study as it does not make sense at the moment.
- Also write a hypothesis so you can comment on it later as your study comes to a close.

Are you Happy now?? Even though it was your own fault for doing the self assesment that late... I took all that effort to copy and paste my comment here!!