Monday 3 November 2008

Why is there so much Reality TV around?

The popularity of Reality TV is due to the broadcasting increasing in its competition and to move from a niche audience to a mass audience. It tries to attract the largest possible number of people a channel or programmes.

ITV dropped from 44% audience share in 1981 to 20% in 2006, but this is still more successful than some niche channels. But the decrease in viewers meant mainstream broadcasters needed to make programmes that attract a mass audience and find a way to hold onto this audience.


Reality shows were cheap, there was no need to pay writers/actors/no rehearsals etc. they used ordinary people, it was a cheap way to make television.

Hour long drama - £875,000 per hour

Reality TV - £114, 00 per hour!

Shilpa Shetty was paid between £200,000 and £300,000 for appearing in the show

Big Brother gave channel 4 its most popular rating – 10 million viewers.

2nd series of Big Brother had 4.5 million viewers – 70 % increase.

3rd Big Brother – 10 million text messages 10 million viewers for its finale

Advert slot during Big Brother costs - £40,000

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