Friday 24 October 2008

Self Evaluation

Attainment – 3 – I have not attended all my lessons from the beginning of term so I have put myself half way as I have started to attend my lessons.

Effort – 2 – I do not put in as much effort as I think I should be putting in as sometimes i rush my work for it to be done on time.

Punctuality – 2 – I am always on time for Mr Bush lessons but for some reason he isn’t, where as for Ms Jones lessons I often come late as they are in the morning.
Submission and quality of homework – 3 – I do my homework but it is often given in late to Mr Bush as he gives us a lot of work.

Ability to work independently - 2 – I have been working independently on my independent study so i think I do have the ability to work independently.

Quality of writing – 3 – I have given myself this because I sometimes rush my work to make sure it is given in on time.

Organisation of Media folder – 1 – my media folder is well organised as I have all my sheets in my folder from both teacher from every lesson

Oral contributions in class – 3 – my oral contribution is a 3 as I do not always contribute in lessons.

Standard of Module 5 blog – 2- It does not have a lot of information I think I can research a lot more on my topic but this will be done over the half term.

Standard of Module 6 blog – 2 – My blog for Ms Jones hasn’t got a lot of information on it either but has all the homework on it which she has asked for us to do.

- I have been working very hard on my Independent study
- Been keeping all my notes
- Been making extra notes in lesson that I feel will help me
- More research on blogs
- More concentration in lessons

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