Sunday 5 October 2008

Self-Assesment Of Blog Work


I have covered the key concepts of my texts quiet well. There are a lot more MIGRAIN analysis to been done as my topic is a reality TV show there are many clips I need to look at to say I have covered all the key concepts on my topic. The key concept that I have covered best on my topic is representation as I can talk about how different contestants are being portrayed and represented from they way they act. The that key concepts that I need to work more on is narrative and genre, I need to research more on these key concepts as the key concept genre relates back to my question and the narrative for each clip that I look at is different. I will achieve this by looking at genre of different types of reality shows and what genre is within it. For narrative I will look at more clips from the big brother show.


I have not considered the current zeitgeist and how it has a impact on my text, neither have I included the SHEP concept. I will have to work on this assessment objective as for the current zeitgeist and SHEP I will have to go into depth and do a lot of explanation which I find harder then researching.


As for research on my topic I have only looked at online articles and not any texts or books, but the books I will be looking at will relate to genre and reality TV shows and how they have changed during time. I have considered issues and debates in my proposal such as how big brother has changed and the issue's surrounding bullying and how politicians had a say in this issue.
I have analysed 4 scenes from my text and have done a MIGRAIN analysis for each one, I have not related any theorist on the scenes themselves but I have theorist to relate to on big brother as a whole.
I cannot view my text on a whole as it is a series so it is difficult to watch every single 1hour shows, so I have had to look at what I think the main scenes are and how they will relate to my text.


I have not related my independent study to Med 2 from last year, but I have my independent study to genre from Med 4 as my question state’s “What is the genre of reality TV shows”. I will include Med 6 issues and debates. I will include the issue and debates that I stated in my proposal and include them in my independent study. I have included 3 quotes from the Media Guardian website which I will include in my independent study; I will have to research and find more. These quotes are from stories which show the issue of bullying of Jade and Shilpa and another quote is from the story where Micky (a blind housemate) had been hit by a ball. I have not considered any values and ideologies of reality TV shows and big brother it’s self, but this is a question I can research on, as the values of a reality TV show will have an influence on what genre reality TV is.


I am thinking for myself as I have analysed clips myself and done MIGRAIN analysis on them and also coming up with my own interpretations. I have been working partly independent as I have been getting research from other websites but I have been putting them into my own words. I am not that self-motivated as I do not think I do enough research but in my holidays I will have more time and will do more research for my study and my blog.


I have presented my work carefully it is not that much in quantity but I have analysed my work very carefully so that I am able to understand it so it is easy for me in the future to in cooperate it in my study. I do use spell check and skim read through my work as well. I highlight key quotes that I feel relate to genre and reality TV and also big brother so then I can in cooperate this in my study.

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