Friday 31 October 2008

Reality TV and Presidential Politics?

40 million Americans watched the final episode of "Survivor." Survivor is where 16 ordinary Americans are dumped months ago with a million dollars awaiting the one who outlasts all the other the longest. This is a reality television show and more people are watching this than watching the political conventions. Also more people are gossiping about Richard and Rudy, Susan and Kelly than are talking about George W. and Al.

This may be because reality television is more real? more spontaneous? more unpredictable? more in tune with people's lives than America's stage managed focus groups?

Reality TV is - manipulative the people are manipulative, and selfish, and opportunistic, and shallow. It's sending the signal that this is a good character, you're rewarded for all of those terrible attributes.
It's getting a bigger audience because there's more news coming out of "Survivor"?
This show, the CBS show is better produced.

Fake shows like this "I Want A Divorce," where real life divorcing couples compete against each other for their own property.
"Chains of Love," in which a woman is chained to four men and must let go of one man until the day she's left with her dream date.
"The Mole," a game where a group of people try to compete in a series of tasks, and it ends up one guy is a mole and he subverts the task.

Why arent there more shows such as "Touched By An Angel,"

People may find politics boring, but it has been ever thus. Nearly 20 million people a day listen to Rush Limbaugh, 2 million people who listen to my show, are passionately involved in the political process. There have always been a large number of people who have chosen to tune out on politics. I'm not sure that many of the people who are watching "Survivor" aren't just voting with their feet, saying that they don't care that much about the political process.

What I've learnt on Reality TV

Reality television has dramatically changed the viewing habits of people and is drawing them into a world of voyeurism, away from the typical entertainment television.
Reality television is The stars on that appear in reality TV show will do anything for fame and fortune, the more outrageous, the better.

Reality TV shows have increased after witnessing the success of Big Brother a popular offering where viewers watch people interact in a house.
The genre of reality TV has now extended and is now covering every area of life from monstrous kids that need a "Supernanny" to geeks paraded before beautiful girls "Beauty And The Geek".
This type of programming (reality TV) has become more preferred for many who find watching ordinary people, more entertaining than watching talented actors and comedians.

Watching people embarrass themselves in front of the cameras has become a sport for television viewers. Contestants may want to be a celebrity and wanting to be a celebrity can make people do some strange and outrageous things as many of the current reality shows prove. And it's clear that many viewers enjoy watching others make a complete fool of themselves.

Reality television has pushed genuine entertainment out of the way as more and more viewers watch reality TV show which some people might describe as mindless nonsense in preference to programs featuring great actors and excellent story lines.

The rise in reality television is a reflection of the changing tastes on viewers who are clearly don't fuse about quality of programming as they have been in the past. Maybe people will change their viewing habits when reality television is actually nothing of the kind. Some people say that reality TV should be name "contrived television" as it is a form of television relying on editing to make boring, everyday situations appealing to an audience that is easily pleased.

Reception Theory

After my presentation Ajitpal advised me to use the Reception Theory. I've made notes on the reception theory in my own words so that I can understand it.

Reception theory is understanding a media text by understanding these texts are read by audiences. Theorists who analyze the media through reception studies are concerned with the experience of cinema and television viewing on its audience, and how meaning is created through this experience. An important concept of the reception theory is that the individual movie or television program—has no meaning itself. The meaning is created in the interaction between the audience and text. So meaning is created as the viewer watches and processes the film.

Reception theory argues that contextual factors, influence the way the spectator views the film or television program more than textual ones. Contextual factors include elements of the viewer's identity as well as circumstances of exhibition, the audience will guess things that may happen in the film or television program's genre and production, and even broad social, historical, and political issues.
OVERALL the reception theory places the viewer in context, taking into account all of the various factors that might influence how they read and create a meaning from the text.

Title Issues

I have to change my question from
What is the genre of reality TV shows making particular reference to Big Brother?


What are the typical conventions of reality TV shows making particular reference to Big Brother?

SO this means my 10 point action plan won't go as I planned.

Friday 24 October 2008

Self Evaluation

Attainment – 3 – I have not attended all my lessons from the beginning of term so I have put myself half way as I have started to attend my lessons.

Effort – 2 – I do not put in as much effort as I think I should be putting in as sometimes i rush my work for it to be done on time.

Punctuality – 2 – I am always on time for Mr Bush lessons but for some reason he isn’t, where as for Ms Jones lessons I often come late as they are in the morning.
Submission and quality of homework – 3 – I do my homework but it is often given in late to Mr Bush as he gives us a lot of work.

Ability to work independently - 2 – I have been working independently on my independent study so i think I do have the ability to work independently.

Quality of writing – 3 – I have given myself this because I sometimes rush my work to make sure it is given in on time.

Organisation of Media folder – 1 – my media folder is well organised as I have all my sheets in my folder from both teacher from every lesson

Oral contributions in class – 3 – my oral contribution is a 3 as I do not always contribute in lessons.

Standard of Module 5 blog – 2- It does not have a lot of information I think I can research a lot more on my topic but this will be done over the half term.

Standard of Module 6 blog – 2 – My blog for Ms Jones hasn’t got a lot of information on it either but has all the homework on it which she has asked for us to do.

- I have been working very hard on my Independent study
- Been keeping all my notes
- Been making extra notes in lesson that I feel will help me
- More research on blogs
- More concentration in lessons

Monday 20 October 2008

Action Plan Timetable

1) Research on Reality TV 21/10/2008
A broad reasearch analysis on Reality TV show and how much and what I have learnt on it

Look at how big brother has changed from the first series, how much profit it makes, how society is affect by reality TV shows.

3) Political side of Big Brother
Look at how people are more into reality TV shows than politics

4) View other texts
The more reality TV clips I watch the more i will be able to contrast these texts to my own chosen text.

5) Theorists 28/10/2008
Look at relevant theorist - books and internet

6) How real is it

7) Analyse research in own words
All the research that I get from the internet and from books I will go back and look at and make sure it is in my own words.

8) Audience effect

9) Bibliography
When I get my research I will have to make a record of where I got my research from

Sunday 5 October 2008

Self-Assesment Of Blog Work


I have covered the key concepts of my texts quiet well. There are a lot more MIGRAIN analysis to been done as my topic is a reality TV show there are many clips I need to look at to say I have covered all the key concepts on my topic. The key concept that I have covered best on my topic is representation as I can talk about how different contestants are being portrayed and represented from they way they act. The that key concepts that I need to work more on is narrative and genre, I need to research more on these key concepts as the key concept genre relates back to my question and the narrative for each clip that I look at is different. I will achieve this by looking at genre of different types of reality shows and what genre is within it. For narrative I will look at more clips from the big brother show.


I have not considered the current zeitgeist and how it has a impact on my text, neither have I included the SHEP concept. I will have to work on this assessment objective as for the current zeitgeist and SHEP I will have to go into depth and do a lot of explanation which I find harder then researching.


As for research on my topic I have only looked at online articles and not any texts or books, but the books I will be looking at will relate to genre and reality TV shows and how they have changed during time. I have considered issues and debates in my proposal such as how big brother has changed and the issue's surrounding bullying and how politicians had a say in this issue.
I have analysed 4 scenes from my text and have done a MIGRAIN analysis for each one, I have not related any theorist on the scenes themselves but I have theorist to relate to on big brother as a whole.
I cannot view my text on a whole as it is a series so it is difficult to watch every single 1hour shows, so I have had to look at what I think the main scenes are and how they will relate to my text.


I have not related my independent study to Med 2 from last year, but I have my independent study to genre from Med 4 as my question state’s “What is the genre of reality TV shows”. I will include Med 6 issues and debates. I will include the issue and debates that I stated in my proposal and include them in my independent study. I have included 3 quotes from the Media Guardian website which I will include in my independent study; I will have to research and find more. These quotes are from stories which show the issue of bullying of Jade and Shilpa and another quote is from the story where Micky (a blind housemate) had been hit by a ball. I have not considered any values and ideologies of reality TV shows and big brother it’s self, but this is a question I can research on, as the values of a reality TV show will have an influence on what genre reality TV is.


I am thinking for myself as I have analysed clips myself and done MIGRAIN analysis on them and also coming up with my own interpretations. I have been working partly independent as I have been getting research from other websites but I have been putting them into my own words. I am not that self-motivated as I do not think I do enough research but in my holidays I will have more time and will do more research for my study and my blog.


I have presented my work carefully it is not that much in quantity but I have analysed my work very carefully so that I am able to understand it so it is easy for me in the future to in cooperate it in my study. I do use spell check and skim read through my work as well. I highlight key quotes that I feel relate to genre and reality TV and also big brother so then I can in cooperate this in my study.