Wednesday 17 December 2008

Historical Adverts

Shake & Vac Advert
Women in adverts are usually represented in a sexual way. The Shake and Vac advert is an example of how women are objectified domestically. In the advert the woman is the first person and only person we see, which connotes that women are made for these roles. They have a woman advertising this product and also the voiceover is of a woman which again conveys the point that a woman’s role is a housewife.

Flash Advert

Again Flash is a cleaning product and again this advert is being aimed at women. The 1960’s had a revolution that involved the pill, this advert contrasts with these issues.
This advert is about cleaning and the only person in this advert is a woman like the Shake and Vac advert.

Cadbury's Flake Advert

In this advert a woman is eating a chocolate flake in a very seductive way. This advert is different from Shake and Vac and Flash, as they are not about cleaning products. The expressions of the woman are sexual and attract a male audience.

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