Sunday 7 September 2008


Big Brother has a active audience view where by the audience re-creates the meaning of what is shown, therefore the institution Big Brother has become pasive as it has no control over how the audience re-creates the meaning of the text.

In reality TV shows heroins and villains are created such as people that may start arguments or talk in abrupt ways, such as Jade Goody and also from this series Alexandra. Hero's are created in the audience eyes hero's may be female or male but mostly male. Heros in reality TV shows may support other contestants when they feel down, and also stay by thier side in arguements. Also in the reality show "I am Celebrity Get Me Out of Here" heros are created from the contestant that may win food supplement sfrom takin gpart and completeing the task set.

The role of the sound and music in Big Brother and reality TV shows play a big part. As soon as contestants hear the voice of who they must listen to and follow (in Big Brother this would be Devina or Big Brother from the Diaryroom), they instantly become aware and alert. Therefore the sound and voice of BigBrother plays a role of the master who the consestants must listen to.

Jacques Derrida (Deconstruction)

Jacques Derrida explored the relationship between the institution and the audience.
He suggest - The audience deconstructs a text within the context of its logos. So there is not a single meaning to the texts, but diffrent meanings and interpretations based on the way the audience chooses to receive the text. E.g. the audience made have make previous knowledge of related texts. (So big brother's audience may have watch other reality TV shows and then seemed interested in Big Brother)

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