Alexandra's philosophy in life is "go hard or go home", she believes that private schools should be scrapped and that everyone should be educated to the same standard for free this mean that everyone has an equal start in life.
Her own worst critic, Alexandra is not very pleasant to live with as Big Brother has to kick her out due to aggressive behaviour

Belinda is a 44-year-old mum. She is radical, intellectual and argumentative. She once appeared on stage naked.She is currently an artistic director for a theatre group - which she describes as a 'multimedia experimental arts jam'. She has only ever been the boss and has never worked beneath anyone before. Which shows another independent woman!
Dale is a super confident he is desperate to be rich and famous and have girls screaming his name. This shows the typical stereotype of men. He is also described as friendly, funny but mostly arrogant, bigheaded and over confident.
Dale is currently studying to be a PE teacher although deep down he dreams of being a pro-footballer.
Dale loves "fit" girls and His dream celebrity dates would be Mischa Barton and Abbie Clancey.
If Dale where to win Big Brother means everything "f*** taking part, no one remembers the losers". He says he should be on the show because of his good looks and that he gets on with everyone, especially the girls. This shows that Dale is the typical guy that is shown and shows himself as arrogant.Darnell was deported to the UK after getting involved with gang culture in the States and now focuses much of his time in mentoring community youth groups in North London. This shows made new equlibruim and now helps others from his mistakes. Darnell was born albino.
Darnell also currently writes songs professionally and loves all music, especially R'n'B and Hip Hop but hates death metal. Shows he is a dependent male who does not gaze other other female such as Dale.
Dennis says that things that make him happy are having his ego massaged, dancing, singing and performing.
If he could make any law, it would be that everyone must wear fake tan, and his dream job is to be a dancer and then perhaps a personal shopper. On a typical day he stresses out in front of the mirror for hours, and gets changed about three times before going out. This shows that he is a feminine guy, which goes against the norms and values of men who are usually the "bread winner" and are shown as being strong! Jennifer is as ambitious, ruthless and opinionated - and she wouldn't enter Big Brother if she didn't think she could win. She has a 22-month-old daughter who has made her the proudest person in the world. being a single mothershe is still proud which shows that she is goin againt she norms and values of society. Jennifer says she uses her beauty and brains to get what she wants, which shos she is a woman who takes advantage of what she has. Jennifer's her motivation for doing Big Brother is to make her daughter and loved ones proud.
Kathreya came to the UK from Thailand seven years ago to study, and has since become a British citizen. Her dream is to travel the world and taste cookies in every country. A Thai massage therapist, she would love to one day open her own Thai massage agency, or alternatively open her own restaurant as she's also passionate about cooking. She admires to become a independent woman. Kathreya is a Buddhist, believes strongly in Karma and will do anything to avoid an argument. On the subject of her physical attributes, Kathreya likens her shape to a potato - "If you like jacket potato you will love me". This shows she is not a streotypical woman who would like to be slim.
One half of the first ever summer Big Brother couple, Lisa who is dating fellow new housemate Mario. She is a former bodybuilder and is a fitness and health fanatic who teaches fitness classes alongside her regular job as a sales rep for tanning products, being a body builder goes against the typical jobs of a woman which now shows in society woman are takin male jobs. She is also a proud mother of an 18-year-old daughter Lisa says she's often likened to Xena Warrior Princess, and says she's "like a magnet exerting powerful attraction".
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