Monday 27 April 2009


  • Representations of women has changed from the due to - changes in society and certain historical events taking place
  • Portrayed in the media as an object of the male gaze. Eg. naked or semi-naked women on covers of men’s magazines.
  • Women are hardly seen as news reporters
  • Sex objects, ‘blond bimbo’ stereotype.
  • Eve blamed on why women are being objectified and stereotyped.
  • Madonna - pure

  • Whore - impure and sexuall
  • Previously women limited to smaller roles in movies due to expectations and stereotypes before the second wave of feminism.
  • After second wave feminism women were fighitng back against dominance of male gender and in movies women were getting more roles
  • Men still the dominant gender in leading roles especially in television.
  • Role of the woman has become more noticeable due to men now becoming more feminine with gays, heterosexuals and the portrayal of the ‘new man’.

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